Modification of the Miluna bag

I wanted to make an all black one for my partner for Father's Day! Since I wasn't going to play with colors, the triangular cutout on the front of the bag was no longer relevant. I also had 20cm zippers instead of 23cm as recommended in the pattern.
I will then show you how to make the Miluna bag, without a cutout in the front, with a smaller zipper and without lining in the main pocket.

First of all, for cutting, I set aside pieces A, B and C. To replace its pieces, I cut piece G once in the fabric and once in the lining (like this). is already planned on the pattern). Piece G in the fabric has now become the front of the bag. I was able to skip steps 1-4, which made making the bag much faster! Yeah!!
Then, to "transform" my 20cm zippers into 23cm zippers, here is what I did. Instead of cutting piece F as is, I exaggerated it with the scraps I had on hand, which gave me rectangles of approximately 5cm x 5cm.
I sewed them to the ends of the zippers like in step 7 and recut them so it was the same width as the zipper.
Honestly, it was late at night and I found it easier to do it like that than to start doing mathematical calculations in order to find the true measurement of the new part F.
Before sewing the zippers onto their respective pieces, I made sure to cut off the excess from the equal F pieces on both sides, so that it was the same measurement as the piece it will be sewn with.

To avoid lining on pieces J, K and L, I first overlocked the side that will be sewn to the zipper of piece K. Then, before step 33, I overlocked the sewing. Once the front and back were assembled to the outline I overlocked everything together.
I even added a black elastic at the back, to create a little slide to hold the braid in place.

I hope you liked this little Miluna bag hack.